Social Resposibility

Communal and Social Responsibility

Our policy has always been to include the local community in all the work we do in Bali. Through the community Head of Village, we arranged groups of workers to clear all the land and prepare it for planting. Before clearing, they cut down all the local tree vegetation and dug charcoal pits to process the wood for community consumption. The land is undulating and the experienced workers helped rebuild the network of terraces so as to ensure good water retention and prevent any possibility of erosion. The young plantation requires a lot of labor to ensure local vegetation does not crowed out the new plants, there is constant land cleaning, composting, pest control and maintenance to get the trees well rooted and through the first year of growing.
We contribute annually to the improvement and upgrade of local roads, we have an annual cow purchasing program where we partner with local farmers and purchase cows they select at cattle auction. We then have the cows vaccinated and the local person is then responsible for the up keep and feeding of the cows. After 18 months, cows are then sold at auction and we split the profits with the farmer. This is a way of keeping in contact with local families and ensuring that the community we work in takes an interest in our well being.
We contribute at community as well as individual level and assist where possible, making donations towards events and ensuring local elderly are looked after.

Community Members

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