Purchase Options

Purchase Options

The Property/plantation is owned by an Indonesian/Foreign JV.

  • PT Indonesian corporation can be set up and assets of the corporation - Plantation and land, can be purchased by a local or foreign buyer.

  • New PT Indonesian corporation to be set up, then assets can be purchased. 90% to new owner, 10% to be retained by existing owners. This will ensure continual operations and the security that the land will be properly managed until the final harvest of the existing trees is completed. (5-7 years from date of purchase) Options after harvest can be negotiated with the members.
  • There is also the option to purchase the plantation LHS of the access road, 413 Are.
Plantation has 1,200 Sengon and 3,680 Kajimas trees
  • There is also the option to purchase the plantation RHS of the Access road, 742 Are.
              Plantation has 1,610 Kajimas and 8,000 Jabon trees.
  • Selling Price: USD875,000 - negotiable

Temple Bali

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