Monday, December 19, 2016

Bali during the early rainy season Dec 2016

Back at the plantation checking the tree growth over the last 10 months also taking another look at the recently planted Jabon trees.

We did some thinning of the Kajimas, and also spent time sampling the Kajimas and Sengon Plantations. In the sample lots we will check the trees annually to record tree growth.

Sengon, average density of trees per Are (100 mtr square) is 8 trees, this average from 4 sample lots.
Average tree circumference at height of 1.4 mtr =  68 cm. Estimated usable tree height 20 mtr.

Kajimas average density of trees per Are (100mtr square) is 14 trees, this average from 13 sample lots.
Average tree circumference at height of 1.4 mtr = 52 cm. Estimated usable tree height 14 mtr

Sengon tree sampling and marking

Jabon Tree images

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kajimas grove 2016
Kajimas early 2016

April 2016

Spent the last two weeks working with the local community repairing roads in the area and upgrading community facilities.

This is the end of the rainy season, and it has been a good one. We checked terraces and cleaned around all the younger Jabon trees. The planting 1.5 yrs ago has shown strong growth, the condition of the Jabon species is good, they have taken well to the ideal climatic conditions in the area.
Sengon Tree growth 4 yrs
Sengon size early 2016
Jabon 1 year

Jabon 1 year

Monday, April 21, 2014

Bali Tree Plantation for Sale

Bali Tree Plantation

Size 1,074 are or 10.7 hectare or 27.4 Acres

The land was originally purchased from small scale farmers, who for many years were no longer actively farming, or from families who had moved out of the area to commercial centers where there were better opportunities. In conjunction with Regional representatives and local heads of village (Pegayaman) a plan was put together to clear the land of redundant coffee, scrub and wild banana plants and then plant a sustainable plantation, using local labor and plantation nursery tree stock.

2014 Plantation

The first trees were planted early 2012, these were the Albasia and Kadjimas variety. In early 2014 a new area of Jabon trees has been planted.
This is a viable plantation of local government approved soft woods for the plywood, pulp and paper industry.
The plantation has been developed with the guidance of the local forestry department. Officers of the department were on site through all phases of the planning and planting process to ensure good plant stock was obtained and best cultivation practices were implemented, to ensure strong healthy saplings, resulting in a quality plantation for later harvesting
Trees – Species:
Species: Age size Quantity
Albasia  (Albizzia Falcata)              4.5 yrs    75-105 cm         2000
Kadjimas (Duabanga Moluccana)   4.5 yrs     55-75 cm          5000
Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba)     1.5 yrs                                     8000

Early 2013, Trimming and Cleaning

The process of planting the trees was undertaken during the rainy season to make use of the moist conditions for rooting. The location of the plantation is in a high rainfall area in the Central Northern part of Bali in the Hills of the Buleleng Regency. Around 1,100m above sea level, the average temperature 25ÂșC and annual rainfall 3,000 mm. Sunshine’s 300 plus days a year. The soil is good quality loamy, well aerated, composted and drained as is evident from the quality of the trees we are growing and the surrounding vegetation.
The border of the property is planted out with a local plant variety that designates where all our boundaries are. The land area is detailed and mapped on each land certificate. All the land has been surveyed, verified with clear title then recorded at the Singaraja government land office.
New Planting 2014
